Frequently Asked Questions
Official Answers by doTERRA Why do some of the supplement labels say "Contains Wheat" or Soy? "dōTERRA strives to follow all regulatory requirements when labeling its products. At times, due to changing regulations, dōTERRA will update a label to meet new requirements. Because the FDA is now requiring declaration of any of the eight major allergens used in a fermentation process to make enzymes for supplements, minor changes have been made to the Microplex VMz and Vegan Microplex VMz labels. This regulation applies to all supplements sold in the US, including dōTERRA. Because wheat was used in the fermentation process to make some of the enzymes in the products, we are declaring “Contains Wheat” in the ingredient section of the labels. This is required even though the wheat was likely consumed in the fermentation process and we have tested Microplex VMz and found no gluten at the detection levels of the test. We remain flexible in the face of changing regulations and constantly work to be compliant and transparent. The growing medium for the glycoprotein matrix vitamins and minerals we use in Microplex VMz® is a soy product. After the growing process, the soy is removed and the vitamins and minerals are standardized for potency. If there is any soy remaining, it would be in very, very small amounts. Because a soy product is used in the process, we are required to label it as containing soy. Is Digestzen TerraZyme GMO free? Yes, DigestZen Terrazyme is GMO-free. "dōTERRA strives to follow all regulatory requirements when labeling its products. At times, due to changing regulations, dōTERRA will update a label to meet new requirements. Because the FDA is now requiring declaration of any of the eight major allergens used in a fermentation process to make enzymes for supplements, minor changes have been made to the TerraZyme label. This regulation applies to all supplements sold in the US, including dōTERRA. Because soy and wheat were used in the fermentation process to make some of the enzymes in the products, we are declaring “contains soy and wheat” in the ingredient section of the label. This revision is required even though the soy and wheat were consumed in the fermentation process and we have tested TerraZyme and no soy or gluten was detected. We remain committed to absolute compliance and transparency and reserve the right to update labels when changing regulations so require." Can I take the Phytoestrogen Complex even when my Oestogen levels are high? The phytoestrogen complex clears and dislodges toxins including xenoestrogens. So if the body is high in these then there will be detox symptoms. Instead of stopping them, the dose must be upped to help clear them. The phytoestrogens also block bad oestrogen to the body, breast & uterus. The phytoestrogens complex is adaptogenic. With phytoestrogens we do not have to figure out if we are oestrogen dominant or deficient they will regulate the body. They are essential to take with any hormonal issue as the phytoestrogens clean out the cell receptors and BLOCK xenoestrogens which are false estrogens. dōTERRA’s “None of the Bad” ingredients Philosophy When formulating Essential Skin Care products, dōTERRA® will never use the following ingredients: Propylene glycol, Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), Toluene, Triethanolamine (TEA). Artificial colors, Diethanolamine (DEA), Formaldyhyde donors, Parabens, Phthalates, Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), Furthermore, dōTERRA® never does animal testing. |