You have in your possession the most tested and most trusted essential oils on the planet.
The purest most potent oils which are the essence/immune system of the plants. Take your time to watch the video on the right with Dr Hill & read the information on this page. These oils can help you, your family and those around you physically and emotionally. Experiment, take the lids off, put them on topically, use them aromatically and take them internally. These are the two Essential kits containing either ten 5 mL or ten 10ml bottles of Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), Oregano, Frankincense, Deep Blue, Air® blend, ZenGest® blend, On Guard®blend. Plus either a diffuser or Peppermint & Onguard beadlets |
Click here to learn
more about your oils. You will need a password - ask the person who introduced you to the oils |