Emotionally uplifting and blissfully fragrant, Green Mandarin is unique among citrus oils and offers a wide variety of uses. Its fruity aroma has subtle floral undertones, making it a desirable addition to natural perfumes and cosmetics. Thanks to its unique chemistry, it offers remarkable skin and hair benefits similar to those from Melaleuca (Tea Tree). Green Mandarin is known for its soothing properties on the nervous system and its ability to support healthy digestive, immune, and respiratory function.* Green Mandarin promotes a cheerful, energized mood while soothing feelings of upset or oversensitivity. Green Mandarin Oil Uses and Benefits
Fun Fact The mandarin tree is cultivated worldwide for its sweet, juicy fruit, which are often sold as clementines or mandarin oranges. Red Mandarin essential oil comes from the rinds of the fully ripened fruit. Green Mandarin comes from fruit harvested prior to ripening. Despite the fact that the oil is distilled from unripe fruit, Green Mandarin’s aroma is less sour than most citrus oils. Sourcing and Harvesting of Green Mandarin Green Mandarin oil is sustainably sourced in Brazil. The doTERRA network of Brazilian citrus farmers uses the income from their green mandarin harvest to cover farming costs for the year. Later, their red mandarin harvest (from the fully ripened fruit) is mostly for profit. This creates a sustainable, steady income throughout the year for small and large scale growers, reduces green waste, and yields two beautiful essential oils with unique chemistry. Mandarin trees need to be thinned while the fruit is still young and unripe. Approximately 60-70 percent of the green fruit is removed from the tree during this thinning process. In the past, this unripe fruit was discarded or left on the ground to decompose, as the fruit too tart to be enjoyed. However, a unique essential oil is contained in these young, unripe fruits. The cold-pressed green rinds yield a fragrant, uplifting oil distinct from that of fully ripened mandarins (which is known as Red Mandarin essential oil). Green Mandarin offers a wider range of benefits than most other citrus oils and may be preferred for cosmetic use. See more about the sourcing story and what makes Green Mandarin unique at the video toward the bottom of the page. Chemistry of Green Mandarin Oil From a chemical standpoint, Green Mandarin stands out from other citrus oils due to its lower concentration of limonene, offering instead a proportionally higher concentration of gamma-Terpinene. Because of this, Green Mandarin may share some beneficial properties with Melaleuca (Tea Tree) essential oil, such as being protective against environmental threats and great for skin and hair care. doTERRA Green Mandarin is the only citrus oil without a photosensitivity warning. That’s because it does not contain any measurable furanocoumarins, which are present in small amounts in all other citrus oils. Like other citrus oils, Green Mandarin has cleansing properties, but may be a better choice for applications in beauty (including skin and hair care) due to the high concentration of gamma-Terpinene and the lack of furanocoumarins. |
Essential Oil Spotlight
Plant Description Also known as the clementine mandarin or tangerine, the Citrus nobilis is one of many hybrid varieties of the mandarin orange. The mandarin is a citrus tree with fragrant white flowers that mature into small, juicy oranges. The unripe fruit are used in the distillation of Green Mandarin essential oil. The mandarin tree is native to Southeastern Asia and the Philippines. Around 1850, the plant was brought to Italy, and later to Brazil by Italian immigrants. doTERRA works with small and large scale farmers in Brazil to produce this versatile oil. The hot, humid climate and the growers’ expertise contributes to a remarkable Green Mandarin oil. Emotional well-being Ginger Empowerment Ginger holds no reservations. This oil has a purpose and will fulfil it! Ginger powerfully persuades individuals to be fully present and participate in life. It teaches that to be successful in life, one must be wholly committed to it. Ginger addresses deep patterns of victim mentality, which is evidenced by feelings of powerlessness, believing everything is outside one's control, refusing to take responsibility for life, or blaming life circumstances on other people or outside influences. Victims feel stuck as they decentralise or disown responsibility and blame others for their misfortunes. Ginger empowers individuals in taking complete responsibility for their life circumstances. It infuses a warrior-like mentality based on integrity, personal responsibility, and individual choice. Here, individuals see themselves as the creators of their own lives. No longer waiting for outside circumstances to change, they choose their own destiny. The empowered individuals assume full responsibility and accountability for the consequences of their actions or inactions. (Taken from the book “Emotions and Essential oils”) |
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