Hello there, Kelly here.......Wellness Warrior, Essential Oil enthusiast & educator, wife to the sweetest man on the planet & Mum to a teenage son & daughter, who light up my life every single day!!
My earliest memories of sheer happiness, are all of family nature walks in the countryside, dog at my side.
My love affair with the natural world, the wilderness & everything in it, has continued to grow stronger with each passing year. This has only been intensified as a mother, raising my son & daughter as "wild" & as "free-range" as possible!
I first came across Essential Oils in my teens, "burning" them under a candle & I remember my fascination with the assortment of aromas filling my bedroom....
The various job roles I've had to date are, as a TEFL teacher to teenagers & a guitar teacher to primary school children, before I became a stay-at-home Mum, to nature raise my two little humans!
Searching for the healthiest possible way to nurture myself & young family, I embarked on a "Natural Juice Therapy" course with Jason Vale, which opened my eyes to a brand new world! Hungry for more knowledge, I attended countless courses, workshops, devoured books, watched enlightening documentaries, on raw food, juicing, raw chocolate, self development, aromatherapy & am currently in the process of finishing my "Nutritional Healing Diploma" in Manchester.
I came across doTERRA on an Aromatouch massage course & my life was transformed overnight!
I began to heal myself first, then my family & friends & now have the great privilege to serve my community every single day. doTERRA represents healing on every level....emotionally, physically, spiritually & for some, financially. doTERRA Essential Oils bring the body back into balance; "Homeostasis". I once heard, "Essential Oils are so futuristic yet so ancient".
Essential Oils, alongside nutrition, are the most powerful tools we have for change; when we feel more Vitality & Wellness, we can then live our happiest & best lives! I will be forever grateful to doTERRA...I cannot imagine life without them for even one day! We as a family, are proactive with our healthcare & I get to help others do the same.
One of my life long passions has been Animals! I have always felt a very strong pull towards working & helping animals....they are suffering as much as humans are in these times & I feel, making their lives happier, is the least we can do, after all that they give to us.
My main focus now is working with doTERRA "Essential Oils & Animals", mainly Dogs & Horses. I have already spent some time in stables & animal sanctuaries & this is where you'll find me in the future....wellies on, covered in Oils & fur & wearing a beaming smile The future is bright!!
"I try to get people to listen to the animals & listen to each other. I believe if everyone tried to shine a little light, then the world might be a better place - for us & for the animals" ~ Noel Fitzpatrick, The Supervet!
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" ~ Anatole France
My earliest memories of sheer happiness, are all of family nature walks in the countryside, dog at my side.
My love affair with the natural world, the wilderness & everything in it, has continued to grow stronger with each passing year. This has only been intensified as a mother, raising my son & daughter as "wild" & as "free-range" as possible!
I first came across Essential Oils in my teens, "burning" them under a candle & I remember my fascination with the assortment of aromas filling my bedroom....
The various job roles I've had to date are, as a TEFL teacher to teenagers & a guitar teacher to primary school children, before I became a stay-at-home Mum, to nature raise my two little humans!
Searching for the healthiest possible way to nurture myself & young family, I embarked on a "Natural Juice Therapy" course with Jason Vale, which opened my eyes to a brand new world! Hungry for more knowledge, I attended countless courses, workshops, devoured books, watched enlightening documentaries, on raw food, juicing, raw chocolate, self development, aromatherapy & am currently in the process of finishing my "Nutritional Healing Diploma" in Manchester.
I came across doTERRA on an Aromatouch massage course & my life was transformed overnight!
I began to heal myself first, then my family & friends & now have the great privilege to serve my community every single day. doTERRA represents healing on every level....emotionally, physically, spiritually & for some, financially. doTERRA Essential Oils bring the body back into balance; "Homeostasis". I once heard, "Essential Oils are so futuristic yet so ancient".
Essential Oils, alongside nutrition, are the most powerful tools we have for change; when we feel more Vitality & Wellness, we can then live our happiest & best lives! I will be forever grateful to doTERRA...I cannot imagine life without them for even one day! We as a family, are proactive with our healthcare & I get to help others do the same.
One of my life long passions has been Animals! I have always felt a very strong pull towards working & helping animals....they are suffering as much as humans are in these times & I feel, making their lives happier, is the least we can do, after all that they give to us.
My main focus now is working with doTERRA "Essential Oils & Animals", mainly Dogs & Horses. I have already spent some time in stables & animal sanctuaries & this is where you'll find me in the future....wellies on, covered in Oils & fur & wearing a beaming smile The future is bright!!
"I try to get people to listen to the animals & listen to each other. I believe if everyone tried to shine a little light, then the world might be a better place - for us & for the animals" ~ Noel Fitzpatrick, The Supervet!
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" ~ Anatole France