What are xenoestrogens? In 1991, the field of xenoestrogens was first introduced to the world. Xenoestrogens are foreign estrogens as “xeno” literally means foreign. Not found in nature, man-made toxins are estrogen imposters that make their way into the body, pretending to be our own estrogen. They mimic the effects of the real hormone but over-stimulate cellular activity to an uncontrollable extent. Xenoestrogens are present in our soil, water, air and food supply as well as in personal care and household products. Xenoestrogens accumulate in the fat tissues of our bodies and have the capability of locking into our own estrogen’s receptor sites. Xenoestrogens are highly toxic and harmful to our body and are one of the top causes of hormone imbalances!
What are Phytoestrogens - compounds found in plants that have similar properties to estrogen produced in the body.* The size and shape of phytoestrogen molecules are similar to estrogen and can bind with estrogen beta receptors in cells. Beta receptors are predominately found in skin, bone, and cardiovascular tissues where increased estrogen activity has positive health benefits, while beta receptors are low in tissues of the breasts and uterine areas where over exposure to estrogen may be of concern. In addition to producing gentle estrogenic effects in the body, phytoestrogens can help balance hormones and hormone metabolites by blocking estrogens from binding to cells.
What are Phytoestrogens - compounds found in plants that have similar properties to estrogen produced in the body.* The size and shape of phytoestrogen molecules are similar to estrogen and can bind with estrogen beta receptors in cells. Beta receptors are predominately found in skin, bone, and cardiovascular tissues where increased estrogen activity has positive health benefits, while beta receptors are low in tissues of the breasts and uterine areas where over exposure to estrogen may be of concern. In addition to producing gentle estrogenic effects in the body, phytoestrogens can help balance hormones and hormone metabolites by blocking estrogens from binding to cells.
- By the time the average woman has completed her morning routine, she has exposed her face, body and hair to over 126 chemicals from 12 different products.
- According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 60% of what you put on your skin enters your blood stream and every organ in your body within 26 seconds!
- The average woman contains 148 synthetic/toxic chemicals stored in the body.
- Only 11% of the 10,500 chemicals in cosmetics have been tested for safety!
- Xenoestrogens are not found in nature as they are man-made toxins that are estrogen imposters.
- Xenoestrogens mimic the effects of the real hormone but overstimulate cellular activity to an uncontrollable extent.
- There are 70,000 registered chemicals known as estrogen disruptors (xenoestrogens)!
Phytoestrogen complex clears xenoestrogens from the cell receptors where Xenoestrogens are mimicking oestrogen
There is a fear of estrogen-containing foods, such as flaxseed, which is not only wrong and unjust but can also prevent you from reversing symptoms of estrogen dominance quickly and effectively.
Just because you experience estrogen dominance, does not mean you should stop ingesting gentle plant-based estrogens. You need estrogen – as a woman you need it to have healthy breasts, periods, glowing hair, and skin, etc. The issue is not to cut out estrogen but to break it down properly.
flaxseed contains the highest amount of lignans, a form of polyphenols, which are high in phytoestrogens.
Soybeans, otherwise known as edamame, are known to be one of the best sources of phytoestrogens and therefore are one of the most effective estrogen boosting foods available..
Just because you experience estrogen dominance, does not mean you should stop ingesting gentle plant-based estrogens. You need estrogen – as a woman you need it to have healthy breasts, periods, glowing hair, and skin, etc. The issue is not to cut out estrogen but to break it down properly.
flaxseed contains the highest amount of lignans, a form of polyphenols, which are high in phytoestrogens.
Soybeans, otherwise known as edamame, are known to be one of the best sources of phytoestrogens and therefore are one of the most effective estrogen boosting foods available..
Vitamins & Supplements for Kids (1.04 Mins)
•Weight gain, mainly in hips, waist, and thighs Menstrual problems such as light or heavy bleeding •PMS •Fibrocystic breasts •Uterine fibroids Fatigue •Loss of sex drive Depression or anxiety MEN •Enlarged breasts Skin issues •Sexual dysfunction •Infertility •Mood disorders •Prostate issues Endogenous Estrogens - Common causes/sources:
Stress - The number 1 cause of endogenous estrogens. Excessive and/or prolonged stress decreases progesterone production to make more cortisol, the main stress hormone. This results in high estrogen levels in relation to progesterone. Impaired liver function – One of the many roles of the liver is to remove excess hormones from the body. If the liver is impaired the ability to perform this role also becomes impaired leading to estrogen dominance. Dysbiosis – A higher presence of bad bacteria vs. good bacteria in the gut inhibits the conversion of estrogen into water-soluble molecules. This causes the estrogens to recirculate back into the bloodstream where it can re-exert its effects. Gut health is very important for the metabolism of all hormones. |
Bone Nutrient Complex is helpful for absorption and for feeding all of the hormones - it supports body functions, but when taken with the phytoestrogen -- they work together to support TOTAL balance. Phytoestrogen complex helps the bone nutrient get absorbed in the right place to support ALL your hormones.
This is a safe supplement to take while trying to conceive and during pregnancy. I recommend the full dose along with the LLV or DNP for women. |
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